Why Hiring a Professional Organizer Is a Good Idea

It seems to me that a lot of people struggle with organizing, yet many more never realize that help is available. We hire a mechanic to fix our car, a contractor to repair our home,  so it makes perfect sense to hire an organizer to help make sense of our stuff.

Our job is to make your life function more smoothly by eliminating the unnecessary and making room for what really matters. We guide you in the process of creating a simple, functional and beautiful space that works for how you and your family live.

January is a National Get Organized month. Why not commit to making this year one in which you make a difference by creating order amongst the chaos. Make changes in your life that allow you to focus on things that are important to you. By getting organized you create more time to work on things like exercise, eating well and building stronger relationships. Because, in the end, these are things that matter most.

2015 Ann Maries Basement 3

Here’s an example of what we can do for you. In just a couple of hours we can help you transform your space.

Ann Maries Basement 2

2015 01 Anne Maries Basement

Make 2015 your year to refresh, restyle, and re-organize. Join us this January for our re-vamped Simply Organized Home Class. Registration is limited to ten people so sign up soon!

“Organization isn’t about perfection; it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.” – Christina Scalise

Building Community

Block Party

“Some people think they are in community, but they are only in proximity. True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know the other.” – David Spangler

Now that we have covered the ins and outs of real estate, from an organizational perspective, I’m going to wrap it up with this weeks post. Whether you’ve just moved, or lived in your home for awhile, I want to encourage each and every one of you to go out and build a community in your neighborhood. Get to know your new or current neighbors and forge those relationships! Organization isn’t just about our homes and offices, but true intentional living.

Here are some ideas on how to build relationships in your community:

  • Turn off the TV, computer and smart phone
  • Get outside to ride bikes and go for walks
  • Plan a neighborhood or block party
  • Plan an annual holiday party: Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day or Halloween
  • Host a potluck, BBQ or progressive dinner
  • Hire neighborhood kids for small jobs around the house
  • Bake extra cookies and share
  • Participate in neighborhood activities
  • Go with your children when they play outside
  • Sit on your front porch and greet others as they walk by
  • Offer tools or a helping hand
  • Shop local and frequent neighborhood coffee shops and restaurants
  • Have a neighborhood garage sale
  • Support children’s fundraisers
  • Offer to water plants and pick up the mail for neighbors out of town
  • Ride bikes around the neighborhood with your kids
  • Open your front door, a screen might be helpful if you feel exposed
  • Attend your neighborhood association meeting
  • Help kids organize a lemonade stand
  • Introduce yourself to new neighbors
  • Ask others to join you for a weekly walk, run or bike ride
  • Carpool
  • Host a neighborhood book club
  • Start a community garden

Tiffany Larson, guest blogger on Simple Mom, had a great post last week on this topic. Check it out for more ideas.

I would love you to share your ideas or experience on building a community within your neighborhood!