Favorite Back to School Ideas


“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity they think of you.”
~H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Hard to believe another school year is already underway.  My kids are grown and gone now but since I’m married to a school administrator, the school calendar still matters to me!

Here are a few of my favorite back to school ideas I found most helpful while raising my sons.

  1. Use a single, great calendar system for keeping track of all of your family activities.  Your phone might do the trick or you may still prefer a paper planner.  Either way, choose a system that works for you and learn to use it well!
  2. Clean up and clear out kids rooms including clothing, books, toys and electronics early on in the school year (do this with your kids if possible). We all function better in simple, less cluttered spaces.
  3. Plan simple, healthy meals based on your families schedule.  Learn more about how I do this in my new fall class Entertain with Ease.
  4. Do what you can ahead of time.  Pack lunches the night before, place all necessary items in backpacks and gather sports gear. Mornings will be oh so much nicer!
  5. Give kids responsibility early.  Responsible kids are made, not born!  Remember in a few short years your son or daughter will be someone’s roommate or spouse…will they make a good one??

Want more ideas? Our fall classes will help you get ready for the busy school year ahead and the holidays! Click HERE to learn more about the classes and to sign up!

Would you love some help getting organized now that the kids are back in school?  This week is totally booked but contact Organized at Last for openings next week!