Julie’s Retirement

Julie Clarke with Grandkids
Just over 30 years ago a friend encouraged me to put my organizing skills and passion for simplicity to good use. No one really knew about professional organizing back then and sometimes people asked me if anyone would really pay for organizing help. I was already aware that there was a need (due to my mom’s long-term illness and my own chaotic childhood home) and that many people struggled with disorganization. However, I soon realized that I was pregnant and pairing a new baby and a new business would likely not be “simple”. Instead, I decided to teach organizing classes in the evenings at Bellingham Technical College, had 2 more sons, and when my youngest started kindergarten, Organized at Last was born.

Julie ClarkeThat was over 20 years ago. Today, I am grandma Gogo to 5 precious little ones (with one more on the way) and I know firsthand how fast these years pass by so I have decided to retire. I am looking forward to spending extra time with our kids, and their babies, as well as serving my family, friends, and others in fun, new ways!

Over the years I have developed lifelong relationships with so many of my incredible clients and leaving this profession is seriously one of my toughest life decisions. I have loved serving thousands of clients, teaching hundreds of classes, donating tens of thousands of items to local charities, decorating, staging and redesigning more homes than I can count, sometimes on a tiny shoestring budget.

I never would have been able to do any of this without my incredibly supportive and amazing husband and my talented team members who over the years totaled more than 20. Wow, what a gift to have had so many organized, caring, thoughtful and intentional women as employees! My clients often commented that I had the most incredible team of women working for me. It was so true. They made this work “easy”!

Organized at Last will continue under new ownership/leadership. My successor is Lauren Godfrey. She has a background in design, loves organizing and has a knack for staging and redesign. She loves living a simple and purposeful life with her handy husband and 2 young daughters. The OAL phone number and website will remain the same. My personal contact will be 360-410-3855 and my new email address is Gogojulieclarke@gmail.com. Please update me in your contact list. The Organized at Last Instagram and Facebook pages will remain the same, but you can follow me on my personal Instagram @gogojulieclarke account and on Facebook

I can’t thank all of you enough for your support these past 30+ years. My work life could not have been any better. I am so blessed. Now, I’m off for new adventures with my tiny loves.

Best wishes always,

Lauren and Julie - Organized at Last