Creating Space for What Really Matters!

How and where do you begin? Be realistic – establish reasonable and reachable goals. Set yourself up for success!

1. Simplify your life: What do you want your physical space to look like? Less is best and less really is more. Start with one room, one pile at a time to remove all of the physical clutter. Change your decor through simplifying. A few larger pieces in a room are much more beautiful and make a much stronger statement than a bunch of small knick knacks.

2. Storage units are very costly especially when you think about the stuff you are storing and not using. Consider asking yourself if your “stuff” is worth the amount you are spending.

3. Office/Paperwork – Having a daily system

    • Sort mail daily and recycle junk immediately!
    • Set up a desktop system or wall pockets with the following headings:
      • To Pay
      • To Do
      • To Read
    • Have personal files for each family member and/or current project/committees.

4. Limit Shopping

    • Discipline yourself. When you do purchase something new, something else needs to go.

5. Live a Balanced Life

    • Look your best: simple routines for self-care.
    • Feel your best: eat well and exercise.
    • Be your best: get organized so that you have time for the truly important things in life!