Thanksgiving…planning ahead!

Thanksgiving Collage

Pictures via Pinterest

I had some extra time this morning and decided to use it planning my Thanksgiving menu and shopping list. It didn’t take me long because of some time saving techniques I’ve developed and used year after year.  I keep a file folder in my kitchen labeled ‘Thanksgiving’ where I keep recipes and notes from the previous year. After each Thanksgiving, I write down short notes on the following:

  • How the meal turned out
  • How much was leftover
  • How much food I bought (like 10# of potatoes)
  • What items were hits/misses
  • Guest List
  • Recipes that I want to use again

This is so helpful in planning for the current year. I can just pull out the file folder and plan accordingly.  All I have to do is send an email to my guests to confirm that they are coming and what they can contribute.  I have learned with my family it is best to give detailed instructions on what they should bring so there are no last minute runs to the store!

In early November I will head to the store with my pre-made shopping list and get most of my list before the rush.  Then, Thanksgiving week I only have a few fresh items to purchase.  I like to prep as much as I can ahead of time  so that Thanksgiving day can be spent enjoying company.  I have also become a huge fan of crock pots as a perfect solution for keeping the food hot while 30 family members move through the buffet line!  I know this all seems a little early but a small amount of planning ahead saves time, energy and creates amazing peace of mind.