Clearing the Cobwebs

I ran into a friend recently at the grocery store and she said to me, “I’ve got cobwebs in my head, and clutter in my home.” Do many of you feel like that? Now that the busy holidays are over, it’s time for a fresh start.

Start Small: Don’t take on the entire house at once. Determine your plan of attack by picking one room and then begin with just one small drawer, cupboard or box. Commit to organizing at least one thing everyday for the entire month of January. As soon as you decide it can leave your home put it in your car to take to consignment or Goodwill. This is one of my secrets for staying organized. I always start the New Year this way. It takes little effort each day and is so rewarding!

Get Help: Ask a friend, family member, or Organized at Last to help you. A second opinion is a valuable tool when it comes to making decisions and letting things go. With a friend or professional help your entire home could be organized by the end of the month! What a great way to start the New Year.

Downsize: Pretend you are moving somewhere else. Everything we own takes up space and costs us in so many ways. If you hesitate to part with something – ask yourself these questions as you think about your belongings:

  • Does it bring you joy?
  • Does it contribute to your life?
  • Does owning it lift your spirits or drain you?

Asking yourself these questions will help you get to the heart of any organizing challenge you face. Organizing isn’t just about making your space look good, it’s about making it function for you and your family too.

Trusting that 2014 will be a great year for everyone!