Back to School Tips

Back to School

“The best way to get something done is to begin.”   -unknown

Summer is quickly winding down and kids will be headed back to school very soon.  My own kids are grown now, but as I reflect back on those super fun, busy years I am always reminded of how so many simple organizing tools helped us as we managed, work, school, food and play.

  1. Post a family calendar or use an app on your phone (such as COZI) to manage all of your family activities.
  2. Include your children in regular home maintenance tasks and chores.  Teach them to do dishes, laundry, yard care, cleaning etc.  Post check lists for how tasks should be completed …or just model it for them.
  3. Prepare clothing and lunches the night before.
  4. Use bins in kids closet’s to organize their clothing and simplify laundry.  For my boys I had a bin for socks, underwear,  sleepwear etc.  I hung their t-shirts and folded jeans.  Everything else went unfolded into a bin!☺
  5. Consider going back to school clothes shopping at consignment stores such as Flip Kids and Maternity and consign your clothes there after your kids grow out of them. Check out our Resources page for more information!
  6. Include children in meal planning and preparation.  Allow your children to suggest meals and then help prepare the meals they choose.

Remember that organization is learned behavior, so start early!  If your family struggles with organization then consider joining me for The Simply Organized Home Class on Saturday September 27th 9:00am – 3:00pm. Class fee is $95 and includes breakfast, lunch, snacks, handouts and door prizes!

If all of your summer photographs have you feeling overwhelmed, or if you have a lifetime of photos sitting in boxes or piling up on your computer then Organizing your Photos on October 9th, 7:00pm – 9:00pm, might be just the motivation you need to get them organized. Class fee is only $45 and includes drinks, snacks and handouts!